Glimpse on Mandala Art

Creating mandala art to soothe the soul!

Since childhood, I was very much fascinated about art forms. It might be because of genetics though!!! I used to paint a lot though it never made any sense, yet it used to give me much happiness. I used to love the process of art and the way I used to involve in it. However this fascination faded away just like that because of academic pressure. Between my art teacher helped in instigating the same old passion of mine. 

The global pandemic, the quarantine, the isolation... is all very new for us. 
Most of us are not used to staying at home for this long a period. I was in the middle of my grade 10 examinations when the lockdown was announced. 10th grade examinations are a very important milestone for Indian students.

Our teachers and parents prepare us for these all our lives. When my exams were postponed midway, a feeling of sorrow swept my mind for I had studied all year. After a few days, I overcame denial and started accepting facts.

I didn't know what to do in all this free time The mental exhaustion started taking over me. I did only one thing - Drew intricate designs. 

It had been my definition of fun for a very long time. I took up the skill again. It is a very simple beginner's sketch. 

Here,I had made a Mandala Art of God Ganesha.

During summer vacation, started scrolling websites about various art forms and there I saw an art form which included only designs, geometrical forms with time I got to know, it is called as MANDALA ART. Even social medias like Instagram, Pinterest have positively influenced me in knowing about this art form. I used to just keep scrolling pages in Instagram on this and it used to amuse me so much!!

Mandala art is a form of spiritual and religious art that has been used for centuries to represent the universe and the human psyche. The word “mandala” comes from Sanskrit and means “circle”. Mandalas are often circular in shape, but can also be half circle, square or rectangular.

Recognising its time-consuming nature and the precision it demands, my affection for Mandala lies in the challenge it poses. I love it because it requires precision and is time-taking.

This covid pandemic helped me to spend more time on my passion.

This form of art includes various kinds of designs ranging from petals of a flower, birds to geometrical shapes to simple lines. Mandala art helped me in increasing concentration level and is also a stress buster. It improves a person's mood and also improves hand skills. It also increases our patience level since it is all about intricate designs.

However, if this intricate designs are absent, it loses its beauty. Mandala art is all about intricate designs. It increases the creativeness and also soothes the artist. Though, the sad reality is that, there are no much exhibition centres to exhibit this kind of art form. It might be because of insufficient knowledge about mandala art. Therefore, mandala artists themselves come forward and help to put forth various kinds of exhibitions.

These mandalas are some of the symbols I've created to keep myself ever mindful of my goals and mission in life: To live with passion and follow my divine path of expressive arts. 

Mandala art has taught me mindfulness, patience and how to truly connect with my art. It's also taught me the value of walking away from a project when my artistic flow isn't working. 

Mandala art is my true passion and I hope that the love that goes into creating my artwork is felt by all who choose to welcome my art into their lives.

It's was an exciting experience for me while drawing. Blessed to have this type of artistic in me.

I hope you all enjoyed my blog! 

Thank You


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